100th Monkey Multi-Language by Chris Philpott

100th Monkey Multi-Language by Chris Philpott

Prezzo di listino: 99,90 €

Special Price 50,00 €

Disponibilità: Non disponibile

Note: This does not allow people to understand foreign languages--For that, see Chris Philpott's Babel.

"Absolutely brilliant!"

"The 100th Monkey is not just a method; it's an adventure! You're going to want to run with these simian secrets."
Max Maven

"98% from Craig and 97% from Dave on Wizard Product Review. "I love this! I'll just stick this straight in my parlor show. A brand-new principle!"
-David Penn

The 100th Monkey now in 12 languages: Chinese, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Norwegian, Spanish and Swedish!

Three effects based on a new principle. Take away someone's ability to read! Catch the scent of a thought! Let a spectator read minds! Includes written instructions and gimmicked artworks in 12 languages, 2 DVDs, 11 postcards and over 500 gimmicked artworks!

French: "Absolument génial" - Banachek. 3 effets basés sur un principe nouveau. Otez la capacité de quelqu'un à lire! Sentez le parfum d'une pensée! Laissez un spectateur lire dans les pensées!

Swedish: "Absolut lysande!" - Banachek. 3 effekter som bygger på en ny princip. Ta bort någons förmåga att läsa! Känn doften av en tanke! Låt en åskådare läsa tankar!

German "Absolut brillant!" (Banachek) Drei Effekte basierend auf einem neuen Prinzip. Nehmen Sie jemandem die Fähigkeit zu lesen. Fangen Sie Gedankendüfte. Lassen Sie einen Zuschauer Gedanken lesen!

Portuguese: "Absolutamente brilhante" - Banachek. 3 efeitos com base em um novo princípio. Tire a capacidade de ler de alguém. Capte a essência de um pensamento. Faça com que o espectador consiga ler mentes!

Danish: "Simpelthen strålende!" - Banachek. 3 effekter baseret på et nyt princip. Fjern en persons evne til at læse! Indfang duften af en tanke! Lad en tilskuer læse tanker!

Italian: "Assolutamente geniale '-! Banachek. 3 Effetti basati su un nuovo principio. Togliere capacità di qualcuno di leggere! Prendere il profumo di un pensiero! Lasciate uno spettatore leggere le menti!

Spanish: "Absolutamente genial!" - Banachek. 3 efectos basados en un nuevo principio. Quitale la habilidad a alguien de leer! Captura la escencia de un pensamiento! Deja que un espectador lea mentes!

Dutch: "Absoluut briljant" - Banachek. 3 effecten gebaseerd op een nieuw principe. Verwijder iemands vermogen om te lezen! Vang de geur van een gedachte! Laat een toeschouwer gedachten lezen!

Japanese: "Jitsuni migotoda!" - Banachek Atarashii genri ni motodzuku 3tsu no effect. Kankyaku no yomitoru chikara o ubau!

Chinese:" Juéduì chusè !"-banàqiekè?3 jiyú xinyuánzé de xiàoguo?boduó mourén de yuèdú nénglì!ganshòu sixiang de xiangwèi!ràng pángguanzhe dúxinshù

Norwegian: "Helt fantastiske"- Banachek. En effekt basert på et nytt prinsipp. Ta bort noens evne til å lese!

Note: Chinese, Hebrew, Norwegian and Japanese versions include only speechless, where you take away someone's ability to read. Video instructions included but are in English only and contain some material not on this version.

More reviews:

"Revolutionary ideas that soon will be the standard for all mentalists .... Worthy of being seen on TV and still be believable!"
- Joe Monti, National TV Producer (Criss Angel's Mindfreak)

"Utterly baffling."
- Colin McLeod

"To say that I'm impressed is an understatement! This is something I will carry with me personally everywhere I go. The secondary DVD also includes a staggering number of additional files which open up limitless possibilities for magicians, mentalists and hypnotists alike. Words simply do not do this justice."
-Michael Murray

"This is one of those times I wish I could toss my moral compass out the window and just tell you this product is crap... just so I can keep it to myself."
-Bryce Kuhlman, My Lovely Assistant

"This is for the thinking mentalist who wants to be at the cutting edge of new ideas without using stooges or electronic gadgets. Real magic of the mind that takes advantage of how our minds work!"
-Paul Draper

"Chris, you are a freaking genius, and you can quote me on that! The method is diabolical!"
-Matthew Johnson

"Ingenious and innovative... It's not often that some new and useful principle is brought to mentalists, but Chris Philpott has done just that. Highly recommended."

"This is just ridiculously good. I got it expecting to find it interesting and possibly useful. I was not expecting to be wholly blown away by it, which I was. What I wasn't prepared for was how well-executed they are, and the amount of work that Chris obviously put into them, on many levels, to make them as effective as possible. It's rare that I get this excited about a new mentalism item, but this absolutely warrants it."
-Joshua Quinn

"It's awesome!"
-Ran Pink "A radically new breakthrough in the art of mentalism. The 100th Monkey is brilliant and takes dual reality to the next level, the effects are powerful and well thought out, even greater is the core technique which opens the door to endless possibilities!"
-Robert J. Gould

"I think it is great. I had to rub my eyes a few times just looking at it!"
-Craig Filicetti

"This is effing great, so please stop talking about this. The fewer that know about this, the better!"
-Sean Fields

"BRILLIANT!! No hype... No BS.... Everyone we have shown it to is blown away. Thank you for producing something that is really worth more than the asking price. WE LOVE THIS THING!!"
-Paul Gross

"In the hands of a good performer, it can become a deadly psychological weapon, to produce the most organic mind reading ever! I can't recommend The 100th Monkey highly enough."
-Robert Marsi

"A LOT of work went into this, and Chris's passion and personal investment is obvious in all aspects of the production. Great job!"
-Bill Cushman

"This is easily one of the best releases within the past year - pure genius."
-Brett Barry

"Excellent, top of the line stuff from a master... this is the sort of thing that other performers buy the rights to in order to keep to themselves."
-Atlas Brookings

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Descrizione Prodotto

Note: This does not allow people to understand foreign languages--For that, see Chris Philpott's Babel.

"Absolutely brilliant!"

"The 100th Monkey is not just a method; it's an adventure! You're going to want to run with these simian secrets."
Max Maven

"98% from Craig and 97% from Dave on Wizard Product Review. "I love this! I'll just stick this straight in my parlor show. A brand-new principle!"
-David Penn

The 100th Monkey now in 12 languages: Chinese, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Norwegian, Spanish and Swedish!

Three effects based on a new principle. Take away someone's ability to read! Catch the scent of a thought! Let a spectator read minds! Includes written instructions and gimmicked artworks in 12 languages, 2 DVDs, 11 postcards and over 500 gimmicked artworks!

French: "Absolument génial" - Banachek. 3 effets basés sur un principe nouveau. Otez la capacité de quelqu'un à lire! Sentez le parfum d'une pensée! Laissez un spectateur lire dans les pensées!

Swedish: "Absolut lysande!" - Banachek. 3 effekter som bygger på en ny princip. Ta bort någons förmåga att läsa! Känn doften av en tanke! Låt en åskådare läsa tankar!

German "Absolut brillant!" (Banachek) Drei Effekte basierend auf einem neuen Prinzip. Nehmen Sie jemandem die Fähigkeit zu lesen. Fangen Sie Gedankendüfte. Lassen Sie einen Zuschauer Gedanken lesen!

Portuguese: "Absolutamente brilhante" - Banachek. 3 efeitos com base em um novo princípio. Tire a capacidade de ler de alguém. Capte a essência de um pensamento. Faça com que o espectador consiga ler mentes!

Danish: "Simpelthen strålende!" - Banachek. 3 effekter baseret på et nyt princip. Fjern en persons evne til at læse! Indfang duften af en tanke! Lad en tilskuer læse tanker!

Italian: "Assolutamente geniale '-! Banachek. 3 Effetti basati su un nuovo principio. Togliere capacità di qualcuno di leggere! Prendere il profumo di un pensiero! Lasciate uno spettatore leggere le menti!

Spanish: "Absolutamente genial!" - Banachek. 3 efectos basados en un nuevo principio. Quitale la habilidad a alguien de leer! Captura la escencia de un pensamiento! Deja que un espectador lea mentes!

Dutch: "Absoluut briljant" - Banachek. 3 effecten gebaseerd op een nieuw principe. Verwijder iemands vermogen om te lezen! Vang de geur van een gedachte! Laat een toeschouwer gedachten lezen!

Japanese: "Jitsuni migotoda!" - Banachek Atarashii genri ni motodzuku 3tsu no effect. Kankyaku no yomitoru chikara o ubau!

Chinese:" Juéduì chusè !"-banàqiekè?3 jiyú xinyuánzé de xiàoguo?boduó mourén de yuèdú nénglì!ganshòu sixiang de xiangwèi!ràng pángguanzhe dúxinshù

Norwegian: "Helt fantastiske"- Banachek. En effekt basert på et nytt prinsipp. Ta bort noens evne til å lese!

Note: Chinese, Hebrew, Norwegian and Japanese versions include only speechless, where you take away someone's ability to read. Video instructions included but are in English only and contain some material not on this version.

More reviews:

"Revolutionary ideas that soon will be the standard for all mentalists .... Worthy of being seen on TV and still be believable!"
- Joe Monti, National TV Producer (Criss Angel's Mindfreak)

"Utterly baffling."
- Colin McLeod

"To say that I'm impressed is an understatement! This is something I will carry with me personally everywhere I go. The secondary DVD also includes a staggering number of additional files which open up limitless possibilities for magicians, mentalists and hypnotists alike. Words simply do not do this justice."
-Michael Murray

"This is one of those times I wish I could toss my moral compass out the window and just tell you this product is crap... just so I can keep it to myself."
-Bryce Kuhlman, My Lovely Assistant

"This is for the thinking mentalist who wants to be at the cutting edge of new ideas without using stooges or electronic gadgets. Real magic of the mind that takes advantage of how our minds work!"
-Paul Draper

"Chris, you are a freaking genius, and you can quote me on that! The method is diabolical!"
-Matthew Johnson

"Ingenious and innovative... It's not often that some new and useful principle is brought to mentalists, but Chris Philpott has done just that. Highly recommended."

"This is just ridiculously good. I got it expecting to find it interesting and possibly useful. I was not expecting to be wholly blown away by it, which I was. What I wasn't prepared for was how well-executed they are, and the amount of work that Chris obviously put into them, on many levels, to make them as effective as possible. It's rare that I get this excited about a new mentalism item, but this absolutely warrants it."
-Joshua Quinn

"It's awesome!"
-Ran Pink "A radically new breakthrough in the art of mentalism. The 100th Monkey is brilliant and takes dual reality to the next level, the effects are powerful and well thought out, even greater is the core technique which opens the door to endless possibilities!"
-Robert J. Gould

"I think it is great. I had to rub my eyes a few times just looking at it!"
-Craig Filicetti

"This is effing great, so please stop talking about this. The fewer that know about this, the better!"
-Sean Fields

"BRILLIANT!! No hype... No BS.... Everyone we have shown it to is blown away. Thank you for producing something that is really worth more than the asking price. WE LOVE THIS THING!!"
-Paul Gross

"In the hands of a good performer, it can become a deadly psychological weapon, to produce the most organic mind reading ever! I can't recommend The 100th Monkey highly enough."
-Robert Marsi

"A LOT of work went into this, and Chris's passion and personal investment is obvious in all aspects of the production. Great job!"
-Bill Cushman

"This is easily one of the best releases within the past year - pure genius."
-Brett Barry

"Excellent, top of the line stuff from a master... this is the sort of thing that other performers buy the rights to in order to keep to themselves."
-Atlas Brookings

Altre note importanti

Tutti i nostri prodotti sono spediti direttamente dal nostro negozio con garanzia italiana 24 mesi e con documento fiscale Italiano ( documento fiscale o fattura )  .

Consegne: Spediamo in giornata tutti gli ordini pervenuti entro le ore 15,00! Solo in alcuni periodi dell'anno (Festività Natalizie, Black Friday, Pasqua e pochi altri) garantiamo la spedizione in giornata solo per gli ordini pervenuti entro le 13.00. Ricordiamo inoltre che può accadere che ci possano essere dei leggeri ritardi causa mancanza del prodotto in negozio in pronta consegna, facciamo sempre di tutto affinchè questi ritardi siano i più brevi possibile! #aiutateciadaiutarvi 

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