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Roulette Playing Cards by Mechanic Industries
Bringing all of the fun of the Casino into your hands, and then ultimately into your audience's experience. Everyone knows and loves the game of Roulette, so it's the perfect vehicle to connect with your audience using a familiar theme. Building on our previous Mechanic Decks, we've flip-book-animated the Roulette wheel. This not only allows you add narrative and create some truly amazing new magic tricks using the countdown / spell to principle, it also doubles up as an easy to use marking system. The court cards have been customised with Roulette motifs such as the rake, the ball and of course the cash! Expertly illustrated to blend seamlessly with the classic artwork, these really finish the deck off.
We've included two 'Erdnase' style Croupier Jokers. One holding the ball and one in a 'just thrown the ball' pose. This allows for some cool colour change animations and is the perfect precursor to link up with the other effects creating a full gambling flavoured routine. It doesn't stop there! There's also a box gaff prediction card and we're going to teach you an amazing, yet easy to do effect called House Edge. There's so much material that comes along with this deck of playing cards! All the tricks taught have a gambling style theme and you can combine all of the effects into the ultimate casino magic routine.
We've even managed to include 1 red back card, so you can make use of that for colour changing deck or Monte style routines. Mechanic Casino Edition Roulette Playing Cards are printed on premium crushed USPCC stock so they handle like a dream.
Straight Up
The spectator selects a card, this is their 'bet'. It's lost and mixed in the deck. The Roulette wheel spins and spins and they call 'stop' - the deck is cut exactly there. The ball has stopped on a number... the spectator counts down that number to reveal their selected card. Congratulations you win!!
Split bet
A similar concept to 'Straight up' but with 2 selections, they make a combination bet with their selected cards which are lost in seperate parts of the deck. The roulette wheel spins and wherever they say stop the deck is cut. You count down the number of cards that the ball has stopped on to reveal one card - a combination of their two initial cards (ie 2+8=10) The card is then immediately and visually split back into their original bets. This packs some powerful magical moments with a deviously constructed kicker.
Red or Black?
We teach a couple of visually stunning colour changing deck sequences as well as an easy to do Monte trick. If you pick up more than one deck, you will have multiple red back cards to play with to perform your favourite colour changing deck routines.
Marking System
We go in depth on how to use the marking system, so you'll be up and running in no time. There's multiple ways to read the backs and you can now tell the value even in a spread without seeing the whole card ie. distinctive marks in the top left corner.
The Mechanic
We share some of our work on how a card cheat 'could' use this system in a card game. Deal winning hands every time and influence every part of the game. There is no such thing as luck with this deck.
Lucky Thought
An experiment with luck... The spectator shuffles the deck, then cuts and keeps half, the performer keeps the other half. You both choose a random card and shuffle into your half of the pack. You then switch packs and not only does the performer guess which card was chosen, the audience member guesses correctly which card the performer chose, very lucky!
House Edge
We teach you two prediction style tricks, one using just the box gaff and then an amazing piece of magic that combines the box gaff with the Croupier Jokers.
The Croupier
A similar concept to our Grind Out Jokers. This time we've illustrated the Jokers in a 'Ernase' style Croupier hands; one holding a ball, the other throwing the ball. This allows for some great tricks using colour changes to activate the animation. They can still be used as two regular Jokers for your existing Joker tricks.
All tricks have been designed with specific gambling style patter to enhance and theme your presentations. With nearly 2hrs of detailed instruction, we teach basic handlings for each plot and offer advice as to where you can switch out sleights depending on your skill level. Some tricks are pretty much self-working and there are medium to advanced options also. We have a Roulette Playing Cards Facebook Group for additional support where we will share new tutorials and ideas and answer any questions you may have. There's lots of scope for exploration using these new concepts and it's a great place for you to share your discoveries and see what everyone else is doing with the new deck.
Ball not included, Grinder Coins featured sold separately.
Carte da gioco Snakes & Ladders
All'altezza del nostro slogan "Fixing Games Since 2012", abbiamo reimmaginato il gioco di Snakes & Ladders ma in una sorta di meccanica quantistica! I serpenti gemellati creano una scala serpeggiante utilizzando il nostro sistema di marcatura posteriore ripetitivo 13 del marchio. Sfoglia il mazzo per attivare l'animazione e regalare ai tuoi spettatori un momento davvero magico... poi colpiscili con gli altri trucchi a sorpresa.
Segnali di facile lettura
Molteplici modi per leggere i dorsi, molto chiari e facili da determinare il valore a un rapido sguardo. Istruzioni dettagliate complete incluse nel tutorial che accompagna questo mazzo.
Volti personalizzati
Tutti gli assi, non solo l'asso di picche, hanno illustrazioni personalizzate di serpenti incorporate nel design. Il tipico colore rosso dei cuori e dei quadri è stato sostituito con un giallo dorato per abbinarsi al resto del mazzo. I reali nelle corti hanno elementi visivi di serpente.
Morso di serpente Gaff
Un momento davvero sorprendente quando un serpente esce dal mazzo in un istante e ruba l'angolo della carta degli spettatori. Usa l'animazione del flip-book per impostarli, quindi colpiscili con questo per reazioni scioccanti!
Il serpente rivela i jolly
Un modo super creativo e divertente per rivelare una carta spettatori. Il design inventivo utilizza il serpente per rivelare una carta forza dell'8 di quadri! Usa qualsiasi cambio di colore per attivare la trasformazione e trasformare il serpente nella carta scelta "liberamente" dagli spettatori! Questo è un piccolo grande trucco in sé, ma può essere combinato con Snakebite Gaff e altre funzionalità del mazzo per creare una routine completa di Snakes & Ladders.
Tutorial di magia
Magia che spinge al limite con il supporto completo del tutorial video. Ti insegniamo a leggere i segni e ti offriamo più routine usando le gaff rivelatrici Snakebite e Joker per iniziare!
Introducing Craps Playing Cards, the latest deck to roll out in the Casino Edition Range. A brand new way to combine familiar gaming and gambling props to create the most amazing magic effects. Features innovative 3D flip-book animation of dice rolling along a Craps table, opening the doors to new card and dice magic combo routines. Riffle through the deck to activate the animation, this also doubles up as a marked deck using our trademark 13 back repeating system.
Black side printing along with a thin black border on the faces give the deck the appearance of a Craps table. This allows you to create seamless looking fans, spreads, dribbles and cascades, enhancing the visual appeal of your flourishes. Printed by Cartamundi on their premium stock with the latest finishing techniques. Craps Playing Cards handle as good as they look, perfect for both magic and flourishing.
Dice Jokers for Magic
7 & 11 numbered dice Joker cards along with a blank facer allow you to bring the dice into the real world in a startling and magical manner. Link them up with regular or loaded dice for unbelievable magic effects!
Flattened Dice Gaff
The awesome new flat dice gaff adds another dimension to your Craps routine, guest contributor Danny Cheng teaches you an amazing trick 'Squished Die' in the free tutorial section. Luiz and Jimmy share their ideas including a version of Red Hot Mamma but with dice! Combine this gaff with other features in the deck to create layered routines.
Custom Court Cards
Like Roulette Playing Cards, our first deck in the Mechanic Casino Edition, the court cards are customised with Craps motifs, such as the dice, rake and cash. Illustrated to blend in with the classic artwork, these really complete the look of the deck while still being instantly recognisable for use in your magic routines.
Amazing New Dice Magic!
Link the deck up with normal or loaded dice for force, prediction and countdown tricks and much more! Yet another layer of magic built into the tuck case flaps is a dice card reveal of the 7 of Spades.
With in depth magic video tutorials, we give you the tools to create your own brand of magic. These new dice themed methods and techniques will open the door for you to explore and come up with your own tricks and routines.
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