Mazzi di Carte

Oggetti 1 a 36 di 86 totali

  • -7%
    Roulette Fanimation Deck by Mechanic Industries
    Roulette Fanimation Deck by Mechanic Industries


    Our original Roulette Deck was praised for its innovative and creative flip-book animation. Now we've taken that concept, re-engineered and re-envisaged the Roulette Wheel on a whole new scale for cardists and magicians. Our Fanimation deck is a bold, striking, and borderless one way deck that exploits some really cool design principles themed around the roulette wheel, which will help you maximize the visual aesthetics of your card flourishes.

    New Fanimation Technology

    The Fanimation Deck features a brand new partial-animation system, the color step animation works in a fan to create a larger picture. Unlike other fanning decks that simply create horizontal patterns, our Fanimation Technology fills in the missing vertical part. Now you won't merely produce a series of shapes or colors, but can create a genuinely complete and accurate image, allowing for jaw dropping displays.

    Fanimation for Flourishing

    The design of this new deck revolves around a tight pivot point that is ideal for 360 degree fans and pressure fans, big displays, cascades and much more. As long as you're able to do a proper fan, these cards will come alive in the hands of experienced card flourishers. Your cuts, dribbles, isolations, and other flourishes will easily link up together, to create a whole new look, whether you're performing cardistry or card magic.

    Fanimation for Magic

    Thanks to our ball stop animation, you can also use the fan display not just as eye candy, but as a base for some killer magic tricks. When fanned, the ball is displayed on a single number slot, allowing you to use the 'countdown' principle to reveal your spectator's chosen card. We've also built in a way for you to combine this with our original Roulette deck, so you can extend and strengthen any existing Roulette-themed routine.

    For our magician friends we have also incorporated an ingenious card reveal in a way that you've never seen before. It is activated by fanning the faces. You can fan one way and show nothing; then you simply turn the deck end-for-end and fan to show the reveal for the 10 of Clubs.

    Custom Courts & Faces

    Fully custom faces allow for great looking fans and displays on both sides of the cards. All the court cards have been expertly redesigned to match the striking good looks of the deck, to help create a strong impression, inspired by the roulette wheel, regardless of whether you are looking at the fronts or the backs.

    Fully Marked Cards

    The Fanimation deck also doubles up as a marked deck. We've polished and improved our original ideas, and our coded marking system is now easier to read than ever before.

    Other Features for Magic

    Our best-selling Grinder Coin makes a return on the custom Jokers, a feature you can use along with the blank facer provided to pluck a coin from the card into real life. This supports the gambling theme that drenches this deck, and enables you to add another layer to your magic routines. In the process, it will also unlock our existing catalogue of tricks based around this concept.

    Finally, we've included a red backed card, just as we did with the original Roulette deck. This enables you to perform your favorite color-changing deck routines, and to get the most out of the tutorials provided with this deck's predecessor, giving you access to even more tricks and ideas.


    Of course with this deck we will also provide you with a free tutorial that will teach you all you need to know, including how to link this with the ball stop animation feature. And we'll give you tips about what fans work best, and cover the finer points about how to generate amazing visuals.

    The sky's the limit for what you can do with our new Fanimation Technology, and we can't wait to see what ideas you'll come up with when combining this with your own creativity and flair! If you want to add flourish to what you already do, we know you'll be a fan of this deck.

    These cards are designed to live up to their name, ie you must be able to (F)animate the cards to get them to align. This means a riffle, spring or pressure type fan/dribbles work really well as one card is evenly distributed along a tight pivot point. You have to be able to perform fans like these to get the most out of these cards, it's not a deck for beginners.


    Prezzo di listino: 13,90 €

    Special Price 12,90 €

  • -10%
    Samadhi Playing Cards by Jack Nobile
    Samadhi Playing Cards by Jack Nobile

    E' finalmente uscito il nuovo mazzo di carte di Jack Nobile: Samadhi Playing Cards

    Samādhi: Stato di coscienza di unione con il tutto.

    Dalla terra, calmando la mente si può raggiungere il divino.
    In questo mazzo sono rappresentati i passi verso il Samādhi.
    - La scimmia rappresenta i pensieri che appaiono di continuo nella nostra mente, difficili da domare, ogni nuovo pensiero sembra più importante di quello prima.
    - L’elefante è la nostra mente, irrequieta dietro ai pensieri, che si lascia trasportare dalle passioni, desideri, emozioni e sonno.
    - Il monaco siamo noi, in balia di quello che succede nella mente.
    - La corda è la consapevolezza, la presenza mentale e il ricordo di sè.

    Una volta calmata la mente, domate le passioni, l’individuo si assorbe con il tutto, torniamo ad essere il tutto.
    E’ una via di purificazione e dentro il Samadhi si possono vedere e capire tante cose di sé e del mondo.
    “Con le palpebre chiuse, si intravede un chiarore, che con il tempo, e ci vuole pazienza, si apre allo sguardo interiore.”

    La quantità massima permessa per ogn singolo ordine è 2

    Edizione Limitata: 3.000 mazzi
    Creato da Jack Nobile
    Disegnato da Jocu Playing Cards
    Prodotto da Fabrizio Muscogiuri e Jack Nobile
    Realizzato dalla United States Playing Cards Company USPCC

    56 carte - 52carte standard e 4 carte speciali

    Caratteristiche tecniche:
    Carta: BEE Crushed Stock
    Finitura: Air Cushion Finish / Linen / Embossed
    Poker Size Rounded No Seal

    I codici sconto per le Samadhi non sono attivi
    I punti VIP non possono essere utilizzati per l'acquisto di questo prodotto, ma acquistandolo riceverai il doppio dei punti VIP, quindi 40!


    Prezzo di listino: 50,00 €

    Special Price 45,00 €

    Non disponibile

  • -21%
    Craps Playing Cards (Online Instructions) By Mechanic Industries
    Craps Playing Cards (Online Instructions) By Mechanic Industries

    Introducing Craps Playing Cards, the latest deck to roll out in the Casino Edition Range. A brand new way to combine familiar gaming and gambling props to create the most amazing magic effects. Features innovative 3D flip-book animation of dice rolling along a Craps table, opening the doors to new card and dice magic combo routines. Riffle through the deck to activate the animation, this also doubles up as a marked deck using our trademark 13 back repeating system.

    Black side printing along with a thin black border on the faces give the deck the appearance of a Craps table. This allows you to create seamless looking fans, spreads, dribbles and cascades, enhancing the visual appeal of your flourishes. Printed by Cartamundi on their premium stock with the latest finishing techniques. Craps Playing Cards handle as good as they look, perfect for both magic and flourishing.

    Dice Jokers for Magic
    7 & 11 numbered dice Joker cards along with a blank facer allow you to bring the dice into the real world in a startling and magical manner. Link them up with regular or loaded dice for unbelievable magic effects!

    Flattened Dice Gaff
    The awesome new flat dice gaff adds another dimension to your Craps routine, guest contributor Danny Cheng teaches you an amazing trick 'Squished Die' in the free tutorial section. Luiz and Jimmy share their ideas including a version of Red Hot Mamma but with dice! Combine this gaff with other features in the deck to create layered routines.

    Custom Court Cards
    Like Roulette Playing Cards, our first deck in the Mechanic Casino Edition, the court cards are customised with Craps motifs, such as the dice, rake and cash. Illustrated to blend in with the classic artwork, these really complete the look of the deck while still being instantly recognisable for use in your magic routines.

    Amazing New Dice Magic!
    Link the deck up with normal or loaded dice for force, prediction and countdown tricks and much more! Yet another layer of magic built into the tuck case flaps is a dice card reveal of the 7 of Spades.

    With in depth magic video tutorials, we give you the tools to create your own brand of magic. These new dice themed methods and techniques will open the door for you to explore and come up with your own tricks and routines.


    Prezzo di listino: 18,90 €

    Special Price 14,90 €

    Non disponibile

  • -50%
    Orbit Christmas V2 Playing Cards
    Orbit Christmas V2 Playing Cards

    HO HO HO Orbit homies!!! You've been nice this year, you deserve some 2022 Christmas Orbits. When these are sold out, they're gone forever and we always hear that folks wish they bought more. So, make sure you buy enough. Build some memories with these so when you hold these cards later in life you'll be reminded of how dope the end of 2022 was! Treat yo self and Treat yo elf!

    Deck specs:

    • Air-cushion finish
    • Premium thin-crushed stock
    • Traditionally cut
    • Retro Arrco 1960's pip package
    • Matte tuck
    • Made at USPCC

    Quantity: 10,000 decks


    Prezzo di listino: 21,90 €

    Special Price 10,95 €

  • -10%
    Smoke & Mirrors v8, Red Edition
    Smoke & Mirrors v8, Red Edition

    Di nuovo in stampa per la prima volta in quasi 10 anni. Per festeggiare, offriamo un lotto estremamente ridotto di Smoke & Mirrors v8. Le carte presentano un design del dorso aggiornato basato sull'edizione originale rilasciata nel 2008, completo di figure minime, jolly personalizzati e un intricato asso di picche.

    Stampato dalla United States Playing Card Company sul nostro cartoncino brevettato sviluppato per Cardistry

    Prezzo di listino: 20,90 €

    Special Price 18,90 €

    Non disponibile

  • -8%
    Bicycle - Super Gaff Deck
    Bicycle - Super Gaff Deck

    Questo mazzo è una collezione completa di carte artistiche speciali progettate per adattarsi tranquillamente al normale mazzo Bicycle Rider back.

    Una volta aperto l'astuccio verrete catapultati in un vortice di esuberante follia! Il mazzo è composto da tantissime carte gaff, tra classiche e nuove, e vi permetterà di spaziare con la fantasia nel realizzare vostre personali routine! C'è davvero qualcosa per tutti in questo mazzo di carte!
    Il video vi mostrerà la potenza vibrante intrinseca di queste carte! Guardatelo e capirete che le certezze dei vostri spettatori crolleranno appena lo avrete fra le vostre mani!

    - Stampato dalla USPCC.
    - Design del dorso Bicycle Rider.
    - Con il mazzo sono spiegate idee per l'utilizzo delle carte.
    - Video con suggerimenti su come usare le carte. Molti altri effetti possibili!

    • Le carte sono formato poker.


    Prezzo di listino: 25,90 €

    Special Price 23,90 €

  • -9%
    One Piece Playing Cards by Card Mafia
    One Piece Playing Cards by Card Mafia

    Ahoy, amici! Preparati a unirti alla ciurma di Cappello di Paglia nella loro ricerca di One Piece con le nostre fantastiche carte da gioco One Piece! Con i tuoi personaggi preferiti della serie, queste carte sono l'ultima aggiunta a qualsiasi collezione di One Piece. Con design mozzafiato e materiali di alta qualità, queste carte da gioco sono perfette per tutti i fan della serie: salpa oggi con la ciurma di Cappello di Paglia!

    Caratteristiche principali:
    9 mazzi in totale (Pirati di Cappello di Paglia)
    Licenza ufficiale di Toei Animation
    Realizzato per i professionisti con la massima qualità da casinò con una finitura di lusso.
    Presenta un astuccio finemente goffrato con grafica personalizzata di One Piece.
    Semi completamente personalizzati (fiori, cuori, picche, quadri) con elementi One Piece
    9 diversi design posteriori personalizzati. L'asso di picche si basa su ciascuno dei loghi del pirata.
    Figure personalizzate (Fante, Regina, Re) con tutti i Pirati di Cappello di Paglia e enfasi sul personaggio principale.
    Perfetto per tutti i fan di One Piece che desiderano possedere un oggetto da collezione.

    "Fare scherzi a un cuoco del mare è un buon modo per farsi ammazzare... Ricordatelo bene."

    Sanji, alias "Black Leg Sanji", è il cuoco dei famigerati Pirati di Cappello di Paglia. Il sogno di una vita di trovare il presunto paradiso dello chef, All Blue, lo ha portato in un mondo pieno di avventure!

    Caratteristiche principali:
    Licenza ufficiale di Toei Animation
    Realizzato per i professionisti con la massima qualità da casinò con una finitura di lusso.
    Presenta un astuccio finemente goffrato con grafica personalizzata di One Piece.
    Semi completamente personalizzati (fiori, cuori, picche, quadri) con elementi One Piece
    Design del dorso completamente personalizzato. L'asso di picche è basato sui loghi del pirata.
    Figure personalizzate (Fante, Regina, Re) con tutti i Pirati di Cappello di Paglia e enfasi sul personaggio principale.
    Perfetto per tutti i fan di One Piece che desiderano possedere un oggetto da collezione.


    Prezzo di listino: 16,99 €

    Special Price 15,50 €

  • -50%
    Holographic Foiled Nebula Playing Cards
    Holographic Foiled Nebula Playing Cards

    Are you a fan of the Nebula Series? Well now, let's add some holographic foil to it! For this deck: the back design, faces and tuck all are covered in the gorgeous holographic clear foil which adds a stunning touch to an already beautiful design!

    Printed by WJPC, these cards are thin and snappy, but not too soft and that they are very durable!

    • Two way back design
    • 1/4 border
    • Completely custom courts
    • Custom pips
    • Custom Ace of Spades
    • Identical Jokers
    • Double back card
    • King/Queen gaff card

    Prezzo di listino: 34,90 €

    Special Price 17,45 €

  • -11%
    Sembras Playing Cards by Theory11
    Sembras Playing Cards by Theory11

    Inspired by a legendary tequila distillery in Santa Rosa Canyon, Mexico.

    The Tale of Sembras
    Nestled deep in the heart of Mexico, the Sembras family handcrafted some of the world's most sought-after spirits since their first barrel was produced in 1803. Their blends were irresistible. The legend is that their ancestors were conjurors of mystical elixirs, and that's been the secret ingredient closely guarded for centuries.

    At the center of the distillery stands the Sembras' Family Totem - a signal of where to hide, and where to find, the secret book of Remedios. The book contains the recipes for the magical elixirs infused in each hand-made batch of their legendary tequila.

    Illustrated by Hand
    Designed by Abraham Lule, born and raised in Mexico - Sembras combine traditional motifs with an aura of magic that surrounds the distillery. Each deck is carefully packaged inside a premium, textured paper case, embellished with the finest gold foil accents, and adorned with the Sembras factory seal.

    Unrivaled Print Quality
    theory11 produces the world's finest playing cards. The cards themselves are made in the USA - printed on FSC-certified paper derived from sustainable forests, vegetable-based inks, and starch-based laminates.


    Prezzo di listino: 17,90 €

    Special Price 15,90 €

  • -10%
    Virtuoso P1 Foundations Crimson Red Playing Cards -NEW SEALED- RARE
    Virtuoso P1 Foundations Crimson Red Playing Cards -NEW SEALED- RARE

    The Virtuoso P1 Foundations (Crimson Edition) deck is an extremely exclusive collection of Virtuoso decks created especially for the Virts closest customers. This deck draws from where it all began — the Launch Edition Virtuoso deck.

    The Virtuoso P1 Foundations packs our biggest design innovations into our smallest deck release ever.” - Huron Low

    Prezzo di listino: 89,00 €

    Special Price 80,00 €

    Non disponibile

  • -9%
    Smoke & Mirrors v8 Smoke (White)
    Smoke & Mirrors v8 Smoke (White)

    Back in print for the first time in nearly 10 years. To celebrate, we're offering an extremely small batch of Smoke & Mirrors. The cards feature an updated back design based on the original edition released in 2008, complete with minimal court cards, custom jokers, and an intricate ace of spades.

    Printed by the United States Playing Card Company on our proprietary thin stock developed for Cardistry. 

    Now available in the original white (Smoke) and black (Mirror)


    Prezzo di listino: 20,90 €

    Special Price 18,99 €

    Non disponibile

  • Summer NOC Pro Sunrise (Teal) Playing Cards

    Summer NOC Pros - The PERFECT summer deck! 2 NEW Epic Color-ways + a limited one. FULLY Marked.

    For nearly 10 years the NOC brand has been the top custom deck choice for magicians, cardists and card collectors all around the world. Millions of decks sold over in over 100 unique variations.

    We have upgraded everything about the NOC decks to create what we believe to be the perfect deck of cards. Our famous minimal back design has been upgraded with an added inner border that brings an elegant vibe to a simplistic deck.

    Summer NOC Pros come in 2 stunning color variations: Sunrise Teal, Sunset Orange.

    THIS DECK IS FULLY MARKED FOR SUIT AND VALUE - Since 2012, our NOC Original back design has been secretly marked for suit. Today we are excited to present to you a FULLY MARKED system (for both suit and value) on our minimal back design.

    • Printed to perfection by The United States Playing Cards Company
    • Bicycle Premium Stock with Air-Cushion Finish
    • Marked for clubs, hearts, spades, and diamonds.

    13,90 €

    Non disponibile

  • Bee Blue MetalLuxe Playing Cards by US Playing Card

    "Bee", the playing card brand that has been a well-respected brand in Casino circles for years, is now available in the coveted MetalLuxe finish! "Bee" MetalLuxe Playing Cards feature the traditional diamond back pattern card back design accented in a gorgeous blue foil. The tuck case features both blue and gold foils for an ultra-premium presentation. Each card back features the traditional "Bee" diamond back design, and is hot-stamped with real metal foil, turning this classic card back into a work of art. All "Bee" playing cards are produced with the classic Cambric finish that only USPC can manufacture which is the finish that casinos and consumers trust for optimum shuffling and card-handling. "Bee" MetalLuxe Playing Cards will be a perfect addition to the collector's assortment or will dazzle players at your next game night.

    • CLASSIC "BEE" DIAMOND CARD BACK DESIGN - These beautiful playing cards feature the classic "Bee" Diamond Back design, in a gorgeous blue metallic foil.
    • HOT-STAMPED WITH REAL METAL FOIL - each "Bee" MetalLuxe Playing Card back is hot-stamped with real metal to create a brilliant reflection for the most luxurious playing card experience.
    • CLASSIC CAMBRIC FINISH - "Bee"'s signature embossing technique that give cards the most superior feel for the best shuffling and card handling experience.
    • PERFECT FOR CARDISTRY - The brilliant shine of light from the blue MetalLuxe playing card backs will make any Cardistry flourish, spring, aerial, or maneuver literally shine on camera or in person!
    • COLLECTOR'S EDITION - This gorgeous deck is the perfect addition to any card collector's set. It looks gorgeous displayed on any shelf or coffee table.MADE IN THE USA - Proudly produced in Erlanger, Kentucky by The United States Playing Card Company
    18,90 €

    With Spring finally arriving, our beloved Sirius B has also found a dash of green from its adventures through the vast universe.

    We kept its original wavy look and various ray designs from the previous versions. The Sirius B V4 is here to celebrate the discovery of life in the galaxy. The layers of different color waves on the back design will be a reminder that there will always be a place for living organisms to prosper!

    The Sirius B V4 is printed by the United States Playing Card Company with Premium Bee Crushed Stock, Air Cushion Finish. Designed by Adrian Valenzuela.

    • Free Embossed Half Brick Box with purchasing of 6 Decks or More
    • Comes in Mnemonica Stack with 7 of Hearts Faced Up in the middle (Impromptu Invisible Deck Routine)
    • Duplicate Queen of Heart
    • Limited Edition of 5000

    14,90 €
  • -50%
    Raspberry Snackers V4 Playing Cards by OPC
    Raspberry Snackers V4 Playing Cards by OPC

    Snackers are back! Snackers Raspberry flavor is the 4th installment in the Snackers series! One of our most popular deck lines because of the scented bag it comes in! In true OPC fashion there are bright colors and slightly custom courts to make this deck the perfect everyday carry for cardists, magicians, or any card enthusiast!

    Printed by USPCC on premium crushed stock this limited run of 5000 will go the distance and feel amazing right out of the bag! We also offer a half brick box option (6 decks) to hold your bags in!


    Prezzo di listino: 15,90 €

    Special Price 7,95 €

  • -16%

    Carte da gioco milanesi estere 45/S formato regionale mm 51x91, realizzate in 100% Pvc.

    Contenuto confezione: 40 carte.

    Prezzo di listino: 8,90 €

    Special Price 7,45 €

  • Anyone Checkerboard Playing Cards - Multicolor

    Un'esplosione di colori! Bellissime carte da gioco.

    - Stampato su cartoncino Classic (Thin Crushed) dalla USPCC.
    - Carte aggiuntive: due jolly identici, due carte pubblicitarie.
    - Tiratura in 5.000 copie.
    - Figure standard.
    - Design "two way" del dorso.

    22,90 €
  • Bicycle - Shin Lim

    Bicycle e Shin Lim creano un po' di magia insieme in questo bellissimo mazzo co-progettato. Bicycle Shin Lim è un mazzo di carte giocabile, con un 10 di cuori sbiadito che aiuterà gli appassionati a eseguire un trucco che Shin Lim vi insegnerà a fare!

    Il codice QR all'interno indirizzerà i consumatori a un video privato (in inglese) in cui Shin rivelerà i suoi segreti passo dopo passo in modo che possano eseguire un trucco magico per amici e familiari.

    - Contenuti esclusivi accessibili solo all'interno del mazzo.
    - Carta 10 di cuori extra sbiadita per poter eseguire il trucco speciale.
    - L'astuccio presenta una lamina rossa e argento con accenti in rilievo.
    - Design personalizzato del dorso delle carte con un design con picche e il logo di Shin Lim.

    Il mazzo è completamente giocabile!

    Perfetto per chi vuole condividere un trucco con gli amici, aspiranti maghi, collezionisti, fan di Shin Lim e America's Got Talent.

    15,90 €
  • -50%
    Cherry Casino Summerlin Sunset (Orange) Playing Cards by Pure Imagination Projects
    Cherry Casino Summerlin Sunset (Orange) Playing Cards by Pure Imagination Projects

    Le carte da gioco Cherry Casino Summerlin Sunset (arancione) attireranno l'attenzione.
    Il colore Cherry Casino Summerlin Sunset Orange cattura i tramonti mozzafiato di Las Vegas mentre la luce rimbalza sulle vicine Red Rocks.

    Il brodo schiacciato premium è morbido ma sodo, come mordere un'arancia succosa e rinfrescante.
    Perfette per maghi e cardist, è difficile mettere giù queste carte da gioco perché si sentono così bene.
    Senti la differenza di questa piccola tiratura.

    Il classico tuck ha il bordo bianco retrò pur mantenendo l'atmosfera tipica di Cherry Casino.
    Questo nuovo e gustoso colore sarà sicuramente uno dei preferiti della tua linea di carte da gioco Cherry Casino.

    Classica piega con bordo bianco
    Stock schiacciato premium
    Facce classiche con Cherry Casino Joker personalizzato
    Carta Double Back Gaff
    Scheda vuota di faccia Gaff
    Progettato da Sam Devins / Prodotto da Derek McKee


    Prezzo di listino: 17,90 €

    Special Price 8,95 €

    Non disponibile

  • -50%
    Orbit X Mac Lethal Playing Cards
    Orbit X Mac Lethal Playing Cards

    Il mazzo Orbit ha collaborato con Mac Lethal - artista rap, appassionato di birra e commedia e praticante di Jiu Jitsu brasiliano - per presentarti la Orbit x Mac Lethal Edition.

    Fatti e statistiche su Mac Lethal Edition:
    6.000 stampati
    Finitura Premium Thin Crushed Stock/cuscino d'aria
    Doppio sostenitore
    Jolly duplicati
    Duplica 8 di picche
    Design unidirezionale
    Tagliato tradizionalmente
    piega opaca


    Prezzo di listino: 22,90 €

    Special Price 11,45 €

  • -13%
    Limited Bee X Cherry (Blue) Playing Cards
    Limited Bee X Cherry (Blue) Playing Cards

    "Easily one of the cleanest collaborations I've ever seen."
    - Jeremy Griffith

    131 years in the making. 10+ years since the last custom Bee deck was printed.
    Introducing the Limited Bee X Cherry Playing Cards, a monumental collaboration that marries the iconic Bee Casino back design with the modern, clean fervent spirit of Cherry Casino playing cards.

    When legends unite, magic is bound to happen.

    • Designed by Phill Smith, every card in this deck, stands as a testament to tradition, artistry, and craftsmanship.
    • The tuck 'No 92' is a nod to the NY Consolidated Card Company who first manufactured the Bee Decks in 1892.
    • The Ace of Spades and Joker capture the individual elements of the Bee and Cherry Decks.

    Crafted by US Playing Card Company for connoisseurs who discern the nuances of a premium deck, these cards promise unparalleled durability, a smooth glide, and that signature snap. The Bee Cambric Finish and Bee paper is perfect for intricate fanning, detailed card work, or to make a statement at any card table.

    Bee X Cherry red and blue are limited to 3,500 units each.

    Limited to 2500 sets. NEVER TO BE REPRINTED
    Black and Gold cold foil with numbered custom seals. Set inside an etched carat case (not sold individually).

    Immerse yourself in a world where tradition and passion intertwine, turning every shuffle, deal, and hand into a captivating story.

    "Beautiful, they will be a classic."
    - Bill Kalush

    "'Patrick Bateman ooh face' These are dope! Can't believe you guys got these made. Loving the retro and new ages vibes coming together."
    - Chris Brown

    "We all know that there would be no sweet cherries without bees. And now we all know that there are no sweet Bees without cherries."
    - Ondrej Pšenicka


    Prezzo di listino: 25,90 €

    Special Price 22,45 €

    Non disponibile

  • -13%
    Limited Bee X Cherry (Red) Playing Cards
    Limited Bee X Cherry (Red) Playing Cards

    "Easily one of the cleanest collaborations I've ever seen."
    - Jeremy Griffith

    131 years in the making. 10+ years since the last custom Bee deck was printed.
    Introducing the Limited Bee X Cherry Playing Cards, a monumental collaboration that marries the iconic Bee Casino back design with the modern, clean fervent spirit of Cherry Casino playing cards.

    When legends unite, magic is bound to happen.

    • Designed by Phill Smith, every card in this deck, stands as a testament to tradition, artistry, and craftsmanship.
    • The tuck 'No 92' is a nod to the NY Consolidated Card Company who first manufactured the Bee Decks in 1892.
    • The Ace of Spades and Joker capture the individual elements of the Bee and Cherry Decks.

    Crafted by US Playing Card Company for connoisseurs who discern the nuances of a premium deck, these cards promise unparalleled durability, a smooth glide, and that signature snap. The Bee Cambric Finish and Bee paper is perfect for intricate fanning, detailed card work, or to make a statement at any card table.

    Bee X Cherry red and blue are limited to 3,500 units each.

    Limited to 2500 sets. NEVER TO BE REPRINTED
    Black and Gold cold foil with numbered custom seals. Set inside an etched carat case (not sold individually).

    Immerse yourself in a world where tradition and passion intertwine, turning every shuffle, deal, and hand into a captivating story.

    "Beautiful, they will be a classic."
    - Bill Kalush

    "'Patrick Bateman ooh face' These are dope! Can't believe you guys got these made. Loving the retro and new ages vibes coming together."
    - Chris Brown

    "We all know that there would be no sweet cherries without bees. And now we all know that there are no sweet Bees without cherries."
    - Ondrej Pšenicka

    Prezzo di listino: 25,90 €

    Special Price 22,45 €

  • -7%
    Limited Bee X Cherry 3 deck Set (Blue, Red and Black) Playing Cards
    Limited Bee X Cherry 3 deck Set (Blue, Red and Black) Playing Cards

    "Easily one of the cleanest collaborations I've ever seen."
    - Jeremy Griffith

    131 years in the making. 10+ years since the last custom Bee deck was printed.
    Introducing the Limited Bee X Cherry Playing Cards, a monumental collaboration that marries the iconic Bee Casino back design with the modern, clean fervent spirit of Cherry Casino playing cards.

    When legends unite, magic is bound to happen.

    • Designed by Phill Smith, every card in this deck, stands as a testament to tradition, artistry, and craftsmanship.
    • The tuck 'No 92' is a nod to the NY Consolidated Card Company who first manufactured the Bee Decks in 1892.
    • The Ace of Spades and Joker capture the individual elements of the Bee and Cherry Decks.

    Crafted by US Playing Card Company for connoisseurs who discern the nuances of a premium deck, these cards promise unparalleled durability, a smooth glide, and that signature snap. The Bee Cambric Finish and Bee paper is perfect for intricate fanning, detailed card work, or to make a statement at any card table.

    Bee X Cherry red and blue are limited to 3,500 units each.

    Limited to 2500 sets. NEVER TO BE REPRINTED
    Black and Gold cold foil with numbered custom seals. Set inside an etched carat case (not sold individually).

    Immerse yourself in a world where tradition and passion intertwine, turning every shuffle, deal, and hand into a captivating story.

    "Beautiful, they will be a classic."
    - Bill Kalush

    "'Patrick Bateman ooh face' These are dope! Can't believe you guys got these made. Loving the retro and new ages vibes coming together."
    - Chris Brown

    "We all know that there would be no sweet cherries without bees. And now we all know that there are no sweet Bees without cherries."
    - Ondrej Pšenicka


    Prezzo di listino: 140,00 €

    Special Price 130,00 €

  • -50%
    Obey Gold Edition Playing Cards by theory11
    Obey Gold Edition Playing Cards by theory11

    The Art of Obey

    Three breathtaking decks, representing three eras of Obey. Each deck has a unique back design and packaging, printed with multiple layers of foil stamping and sculptured emboss.?The three decks share common faces with vibrant, iconic OBEY art over three decades.

    Obey with Caution! Manufacturing Quality Dissent Since 1989

    It's been 12 years since we first collaborated with Shepard's team with Rebels. We couldn't be more proud to present three new stunning decks showcasing Fairey's iconic, bold and provocative art, challenging viewers to reflect on issues of power, control, and propaganda. His work has since transcended street art, becoming a symbol of rebellion and cultural commentary, influencing a generation of artists and activists.

    Prezzo di listino: 26,90 €

    Special Price 13,45 €

    Non disponibile

  • -54%
    Smoke & Mirrors V8, Bronze (Deluxe) Edition Playing Cards by Dan & Dave
    Smoke & Mirrors V8, Bronze (Deluxe) Edition Playing Cards by Dan & Dave

    Back in print for the first time in nearly 10 years. To celebrate, we're offering an extremely small batch of Smoke & Mirrors V8. The cards feature an updated back design based on the original edition released in 2008, complete with minimal court cards, custom jokers, and an intricate Ace of Spades.

    Printed by the United States Playing Card Company on our proprietary thin stock developed for cardistry.

    Now available in silver edition and more colors. Choose between standard edition, standard edition signed by D&D, or deluxe edition housed inside an oversized magnetic box.

    Prezzo di listino: 44,90 €

    Special Price 20,45 €

    Non disponibile

  • -13%

    Prezzo di listino: 7,90 €

    Special Price 6,90 €

  • -13%

    Prezzo di listino: 7,90 €

    Special Price 6,90 €

  • -7%

    Prezzo di listino: 7,45 €

    Special Price 6,90 €

  • -16%


    Carte Milanesi Plastificate

    materiale: PVC


    40 carte

    Prezzo di listino: 8,90 €

    Special Price 7,45 €

  • -16%

    Carte da gioco regionali Milanesi Extra Dal Negro realizzate in cartoncino, formato mm 51*91, astuccio rosso.

    Contenuto confezione: 40 carte.

    Prezzo di listino: 8,90 €

    Special Price 7,45 €

  • -50%
    The Elder Deck: The Magician's Tool for Rune Reading (Plus online Instructions) by Phill Smith
    The Elder Deck: The Magician's Tool for Rune Reading (Plus online Instructions) by Phill Smith

    Benvenuti all'Elder Deck, uno straordinario mazzo di carte da gioco progettato per svelare un regno di mistero e meraviglia. Che tu sia un mago, un intrattenitore misterioso o un collezionista di mazzi squisiti, questo è un progetto che accenderà la tua immaginazione e porterà le tue esibizioni a nuovi livelli. Sviluppato da John Watson, l'Elder Deck è un kit completo per aiutare i maghi e gli operatori del mistero a imparare e integrare le rune nelle loro esibizioni.

    Caratteristiche uniche

    L'Elder Deck non è il tuo normale mazzo di carte. Mescola perfettamente il mondo delle carte da gioco tradizionali con l'antica arte della lettura delle rune. Ecco cosa lo distingue:
    Doppio scopo: l'Elder Deck ha un duplice scopo. Funziona come un mazzo di carte da gioco completamente funzionale, perfetto per qualsiasi gioco di carte o routine magica. Allo stesso tempo, i suoi intricati design runici ti consentono di addentrarti nel regno mistico della divinazione e di offrire letture avvincenti al tuo pubblico. Design raffinato: realizzata con la massima attenzione ai dettagli, ogni carta di The Elder Deck presenta simboli runici affascinanti combinati con elementi classici delle carte da gioco. Il risultato è un mazzo che non solo cattura l'occhio, ma accende anche curiosità e intrigo.
    Contrassegnato per il mistero: svela un mondo di segreti nascosti e illusioni con l'intelligente sistema di marcatura di The Elder Deck. Ogni carta presenta marcature discrete, che rivelano sia il suo valore nominale che il simbolo runico corrispondente. Ciò apre una moltitudine di possibilità per trucchi e effetti magici sbalorditivi, pensati appositamente per questo mazzo.
    Potenzia la tua performance: che tu sia un mago o un intrattenitore misterioso, The Elder Deck ti offre un'entusiasmante opportunità per aggiungere una nuova dimensione al tuo spettacolo. Scopri come integrare perfettamente le letture runiche nelle tue performance può affascinare e stupire il tuo pubblico. Ti forniremo istruzioni complete sia sulle letture runiche che su una gamma di effetti magici originali progettati esclusivamente per The Elder Deck

    Prezzo di listino: 36,90 €

    Special Price 18,45 €

  • -7%
    Supreme Bicycle Holographic Slice Cards
    Supreme Bicycle Holographic Slice Cards

    These playing cards feature a holographic effect that creates iridescent reflections when viewed from different angles. These Supreme playing card sets are appreciated by card players and collectors alike due to their unique design and association with the Supreme brand.

    Prezzo di listino: 70,00 €

    Special Price 65,00 €

  • -9%
    CC Orbit 3rd Edition Playing Cards
    CC Orbit 3rd Edition Playing Cards

    Sono arrivati ​​le Orbits V3 di Cardistry-Con! Abbiamo creato questo mazzo per celebrare il 9° Cardistry-Con. Poiché questo si è svolto a Tokyo, in Giappone, abbiamo deciso di puntare sul minimalismo giapponese con l'artwork. È il nostro design più minimale fino ad oggi e presenta la bandiera giapponese con la nostra caratteristica Orbit O al centro. Troverai accenti blu intenso nelle carte di corte che rappresentano calma, stabilità e mare/cielo che circondano il Giappone.

    Il mazzo presenta un dorso doppio, un 8 di picche extra ed è tagliato in modo tradizionale. C'è qualcosa di bello nella semplicità del design del dorso. La mancanza di inchiostro conferisce alle carte un aspetto più organico poiché c'è più carta che inchiostro.

    Quantità: 3.000 Specifiche del mazzo: taglio tradizionale stock schiacciato sottile di alta qualità finitura aircushion finitura lino scatola US Playing Card Company.


    Prezzo di listino: 22,90 €

    Special Price 20,90 €

    Non disponibile

  • -50%
    NTP playing cards
    NTP playing cards

    Le carte NTP PVC sono tra le migliori carte da gioco disponibili sul mercato.
    Costruito secondo una specifica tecnologia mantiene una durata eccezionale, pur conservando un meraviglioso feeling ed una buona mischiabilità.
    Le carte da gioco in PVC NTP sono particolarmente apprezzate dai professionisti di tutto il mondo.
    Il modello è un indice regolare

    Prezzo di listino: 12,00 €

    Special Price 6,00 €

  • -15%
    Pink Remedies Playing Cards by Madison x Schneide
    Pink Remedies Playing Cards by Madison x Schneide

    The Madison x Schneider Remedies are back in Black - the perfect counterpart to the first Scarlet Red Remedies. In addition to the new color, you will find many new details which let these cards stand out from the first edition. A modern look and feel runs through the entire deck. Custom pips and indices as well as redrawn Court cards with new faces.

    Packed with hidden secrets and built-in magic tricks, including an Angle Zero gaff and a series of hidden revelations with an incredible quality of stock (and traditionally cut). Madison and Schneider are so proud to present this minimally wonderful weapon of deception.

    • Manufactured by the United States Playing Card Company
    • Printed on premium (Bee) thin crushed paper stock
    • Traditionally cut
    • Custom front and back
    • Angle Zero gaff
    • Hidden revelations for your magic routines

    Prezzo di listino: 19,90 €

    Special Price 16,90 €

  • -50%
    Orbit Christmas V3 Playing Cards
    Orbit Christmas V3 Playing Cards

    Il nostro terzo mazzo natalizio annuale è qui! L'edizione di Natale 2023 presenta una famiglia che porta a casa un albero appena tagliato per decorarlo tutta la famiglia.

    Il contrasto dei genitori che lavorano per legare l’albero al tetto dell’auto mentre il bambino si siede con il suo cane a godersi il tramonto illustra la magia del Natale. I genitori si impegnano al massimo per offrire ai propri figli un'esperienza piacevole. Il Natale è per i bambini e con questo mazzo è anche per gli adulti.

    Buon Orbitmas a tutti!


    Prezzo di listino: 21,90 €

    Special Price 10,95 €

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