Descrizione Prodotto
"Card Warp is one of my favorite effects of all time. And this is Card Warp on steroids. How on earth can you do card warp with no cover and have their card examinable? And then follow up with basically a mini-illusion in the second phase? This is genius level thinking and absolute commercial Gold. I love it"
- Craig Petty
"I don't do card tricks, they are boring. But THIS I would do. It looks impossible and it's really fun as well. What an amazing trick!"
- Ryland Petty
"Joel's Warp Zag is a prime example of why he's among the best minds in all of magic. It's a beautiful illusion that is so visual, practical, fooling and yet deceivingly simple. Highly recommended!"
- David Jonathan
Here is what happens:
Part One: Witness the astonishing moment when the face of a spectator's signed playing card seamlessly reverses from front to back, then back to front in an instant.
Part Two: Prepare to be mystified as their folded card inexplicably splits into two separate entities, leaving spectators in awe of the impossible.
Part Three: Just when you thought it couldn't get any more magical, watch as the divided card visually fuses back together, completing the mesmerizing journey. The best part? It's remarkably easy to perform, includes various handling options, making it a versatile addition to any magician's repertoire!
Altre note importanti
Tutti i nostri prodotti sono spediti direttamente dal nostro negozio con garanzia italiana 24 mesi e con documento fiscale Italiano ( documento fiscale o fattura ) .
Consegne: Spediamo in giornata tutti gli ordini pervenuti entro le ore 15,00! Solo in alcuni periodi dell'anno (Festività Natalizie, Black Friday, Pasqua e pochi altri) garantiamo la spedizione in giornata solo per gli ordini pervenuti entro le 13.00. Ricordiamo inoltre che può accadere che ci possano essere dei leggeri ritardi causa mancanza del prodotto in negozio in pronta consegna, facciamo sempre di tutto affinchè questi ritardi siano i più brevi possibile! #aiutateciadaiutarvi
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Recesso: Diritto di recesso secondo normativa italiana